NEA Brief

     Initial Thoughts

     -a narrative which has a distinctive genre - Horror 
     - Slasher - Psychological - Jumpscares
     - Film that is heavily relied on disturbing imagery. Inspired by 80s slashers + saw.
        -Develop a main character, focus on him/her.  
        -Make the audience look away or cringe with at least one scene.

-Psychological horror where the several different events lead up to a big scare at the end. Using suspense with music and setting. Scare the audience by ending each scene in suspense without a big scare happening which will lead to tension through the whole film until the end. 
-Use of zoom in shots, extreme closeups and dolly zooms for extra tension. 
-Use of music to suggest characters behavior and foreshadow the events with the music.

  -SL: Couple of friends meet up after friend 1 thinks he is getting haunted, little does he know he has a curse on him put on his family name for generations. They get scared by a mysterious figure in distance from them and get back home. After hours of waiting they decide to find out what is going on. Go to an old teller that explains everything. Says in order to pass the curse on he would have to make a human sacrifice and perform a ritual. The friends don't believe it and go home. Later they had a few drinks and non cursed friend sees something on tv about the curse. And suddenly we see the ghost thing with sharp scary hands on his head "sucking" out the living from him. Goes on to hunt for the second friend. While he finds a book from his great grandmother talking about the curse and latin phrase to maintain it. Friend rushes into the room seeing his friend dead the shot zooms out of the room with ominous music. Last scene foreshadowing a sequel to todays events as the spirit is still at large, we see a figure standing outside the window (long shot, wide shot, high angle) as he runs away from the shot and title card appears. *possible ending- Extreme close up of the spirits eyes as he growls.

Scene 1 - Phone call
 Introducing two main characters - Split screen phone conversation - Establishing the curse and following events

Scene 2 - Establishing shots - Brighton
 Set the scenery - possible foreshadowing enigma codes - 2 still camera shots - 1 Busy street with people - 2 close up of the water coming in by the beach 

Scene 3 - Friends meet up, first encounter with the spirit, 1 friend seeing it and getting them out of there
 Long shot across the beach friends walking towards one that is already sitting there - Dialogue - 2 waist high shots of both friends talking - low angle shot of them talking and throwing rocks about fidgeting - One friend throws a rock and a following the stone the camera pans to the figure in distance - Friends doesn't let other know and says lets get out of here go to see a teller.

Scene 4 - Go see a teller who tells them that a human sacrifice is need to be made.

Scene 5 - They go home to discuss. As one of them is nearly passing out from tiredness and not sleeping he sees the curse on tv - (ring type hypnotized sequence) - friend dies.

Scene 6 - Friend reads a book and sees the figure going at him so he shouts some latin phrase that we see in a book, spirit dies down.

Scene 7 - Friend is crying over friend - Birdseye view shot zooming out.

Scene 8 - Creature foreshowing 


Jeffery Dahmer son

 Lost son of JD. In school no friends. Everyone thinks of him as a freak. Everyone knows, as there were a rumor going round bout him being JD's son. Later than night he googles himself. "JD's son" nothing comes up. He lives on his own. Calls his mum who denies any claims of JD being the father. He gets angry and takes some "calming down" pills. Goes for a walk where he is greeted by some of his school people. They start picking on him and calling him names pushing him about, bullying him in an empty place so no help. He stays quiet the whole time before he takes out a wrench out of his bag and stand still breathing heavily. The bullies start to laugh thinking he is dangerous and still mocking him. As one of them gets to close JD swings and smashes one of them to the ground. As others panic and decide to run away JD is left there with his victim. Instead of calling the cops or helping him he decides to precede in his dads doings and explore his victims body. We get a montage of JD opening up the skin etc very messy gory scene. As he "clicks back" into reality with realization whats hes done he jumps up and starts panicking. As we start hearing sirens and blue lights approach we see JD sweating and not knowing what to do he packs his bag and throws the wrong in the woods before he sprints off  into the distance with the lights behind him. 

the curse

Starts off as a curse telling. Spooky location, dark with loads of different monuments and emblems. An old lady is telling fortune to the dad who's face we never see (over the shoulder, hand reading). As he runs out the old lady starts laughing and it cuts to dark. (Close ups of the witch's lips while talking, her wide open eyes looking different direction and smiling, close up of her hand reading dad, Flies in the tent, End of scene witch starts blinking quickly and laughing with little to no movement)

  Son in the mirror. 30 years later. Washing his face in the sink as he bends down, the reflection of him stops and stares at me. Once I come back up it fixes it self to me. 

  Son meets his friends they drink and one friend starts talking about legends. Son opens up saying that an old lady put a curse on his dads newborn who was me. He wonders what it means for him, his dad left after the curse. Scene cuts after we get a close up of son staring at the fire looking like he is worried or scared, as he sips his beer. Talking in the back ground of friends a little faded.

 We get a shot of him calling his mum and asking about the curse, it ends in an start of the argument but mum stops it like breaking into tears saying she doesn't know anything and that she hasn't seen or heard about dad. They hang up and the son goes back into the kitchen.

